Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The beginning...

Well, after much encouragement from others I am starting my blog. My random thoughts as I go throughout my life as a Jesus follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Friend. Today gave me a lot of material as we went to the gym.

The gym, such a dynamic place to love, hate, be addicted to, spend too much money, indulge in socially acceptable vanity, or completely crush your self esteem. However this is NOT going to be a social commentary. The locker room alone would take DAYS.  I would like to talk about towels. My gym provides them. I know this is no small feat, because I worked at a gym and the entirety of my 8 hour shift involved towels. My position had a glamorous name, front desk reception, but really I was the card checker/ towel girl. It consisted  of picking up wet towels, washing towels, folding towels and stocking clean towels. Repeat.

So, I appreciate provided towels. I am, however, baffled by the towels. There is the size for starters. The size gives no indication of the intended use. Is it a large hand towel or a very small bath towel? Am I supposed to use just one in the name of conservation? What should I leave uncovered? They provide changing stalls but ironically they are nowhere near the showers. If one is modest does one take off one's clothes in the changing stall, cover as much as possible and dash to the showers? Or the alternative, change in the shower? Then what do I do with my stinky clothes, and am I supposed to put all my clean clothes on that little hook outside, because I'm pretty sure the My Barbie dream trailer had more space. So, I usually opt. for stripping as fast as I can, wrapping as much as possible in my napkin and dashing. The third option apparently is to parade around in one's birthday suit, but if I were that happy with my body, I would have no need for the gym. I suppose I could bring a robe, but then I'm going to be one of those people with the roll on bags to work out. Stay tuned for my questions about gym bags...

And finally, as if size weren't enough of an obstacle, what do they use to make cotton completely nonabsorbent? Because toweling off with a gym towel works about as well as dabbing dry with a kleenex. Have you ever tried to dry your hair with a kleenex? This brings up another whole series of modesty questions. Do I try to air dry? Where? The changing stall? The shower? What's the etiquette  on using the hair dryer? Mostly, I give up and get dressed and hope it doesn't look like I've wet my pants. So, if you happen to run into me at the gym, and I look like a drowned rat, you now understand why.


  1. Penny
    You are hilarious! Thank you so much for your humor, I love you!

  2. I am so glad you are blogging - I always enjoy a good laugh!
